Greg Geismann

Phone (314) 726-2310
Fax (314) 726-2360

Greg Geismann has 25+ years experience advising and representing local physician, dental and pharmacy practices in regulatory and business matters.  In addition, Greg has focused on handling claims involving nursing home liability, personal injury, commerical and residential liability and class actions.

Greg is a frequent speaker and organizer at the Solo and Small Firm Conference sponsored by The Missouri Bar, presenting on topics involving law firm management and ethics.

Academic Fellowship (2-year) - Freie Universitaet Berlin (1987-1989)

Student Writer of the Year - University of South Dakota (1993)

Optimist International Award of Recognition - Chess Competition - Highland, Illinois (1998)


Tulane University - New Orleans, LA - Bachelor's in Philosophy - 1986

University of South Dakota School of Law - J.D. - 1993


Illinois #6224998 (1994)

Missouri #46679 (1995)

Class Actions

Health Care

Nursing Home Malpractice Litigation

Premises Liability

Wrongful Death